Writer’s Cramp - The Movie
Our Movie Execs ... Even the Pitch Bitch can’t slide anything by these suits!
Wende Joy ...
12 Dating sites, 
No man in sight ...

Peter Kepler as Stuart ... after   

      those pesky gophers . . .

“Right here in my décolletage, love ... “

Christy Crowley as the crafty Amy

“Care for a Cupcake? Freshly Baked...”

Rees Campbell ...

  “What’s Looking for Me”

Raphael Barker in a 1920’s tuxedo prepares  

       for his entrance as Scott Prescott.

Ross Turner, as Simon.

        The Butler. 

      In the Pantry. 

With the Candlestick . . .

    Rachel Ferensowicz plays Wendelyn Joy.  Desperately Looking for Mr. Wrong.

Christy Crowley as Amy ... checking

John Boles (Bob) for signs of life...

Marisa Gregory

Rachel Ferensowicz

Jacquie Evans

Connie Hall

William Young, David Blount,  Elizabeth de Vries

Connie’s Assistant...
Willing but not Able!

Melanie Alexander

Melanie . . . 
Cub Reporter, Hot on the trail!
See our trailer at  

Cory Censoprano ...

“What I’m looking for...”